The Annual General Meeting of the Ballinclea Heights Residents’ Association will take place in Killiney Castle Hotel on Tuesday 11th June 2024 at 7:30pm.
All residents are invited to attend

1 Opening Comments
2 Approve Minutes of 2023 AGM
3 Matters Arising
4 Report from Directors
5 Report from Committee
6 Finance Report
7 Election of Directors
8 Election of Committee
9 Go forward plan for Committee / Directors
10 Social Committee Report
11 Subscriptions
12 Any Other Business

Santa and SVP Collection 2023

The Ballinclea Heights Christmas Collection in aid of St Vincent de Paul will take place on Monday 18th December, starting at 5:30pm. (weather permitting!)

Donations of non-perishable foods/treats/household essentials are welcome.

🎅🏼🎅🏼Santa and is helpers will be in attendance🎅🏼🎅🏼
Let us know ahead of time if you want a Santa visit. Naturally we’ll be making a list. Text your child/childrens name(s) and house numbers to 0872270816 before 3pm on Monday.

Wishing all our residents a very happy and healthy Christmas!

Ballinclea Heights Fun Day 2023

The Ballinclea Heights Fun Day will take place on Saturday 16th September at 2pm in the Res.

The Playball team will be around from 2pm to 4pm to have lots of fun with the kids.

We’ll have tea & coffee, nibbles and ice cream. Now all we need is some sunshine!

Look forward to seeing you all there!

Skip day 14th and 16th September

Time to do that end of Summer clear out!

The first Skip Day is confirmed and booked for Thursday 14th September and will be located outside number 187 Ballinclea Heights.

The second Skip Day is confirmed and booked for Saturday 16th September and will be located outside Druidswood, opposite number 95 Ballinclea Heights.

We ask that you co-operate with all instructions that are issued during the two days. We also ask that residents don’t drop items off before and leave with the expectation that someone else puts it into the skips. Remember that only items broken down to their smallest parts will be accepted.

Also, a list of active subscriptions to the residents association will be cross checked before permission is given to access the skip. Anyone who has yet to join the association or set up a direct debit may pay on Saturday morning.

Updates will be shared on the Estates WhatsApp group including when the skip has been physically dropped off. If you are not already a member then email: to be added. Include your house and phone numbers.

Look forward to seeing you on the 14th and 16th!

Ballinclea Heights Residents’ Association AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Ballinclea Heights Residents’ Association will take place in Killiney Castle Hotel on Monday 17th April 2023 at 8pm.
All residents are invited to attend

1 Opening Comments
2 Minutes of 2022 AGM
3 Matters Arising
4 Report from Directors
5 Report from Committee
6 Finance Report
7 Election of Directors
8 Election of Committee
9 Social Committee Report
10 Subscriptions
11 Any other Business

Skip Day Saturday 24th September 2022

Skip Day is confirmed and booked for the morning of the 24th September. 2 X 20 tonne skips have been ordered.

The first skip will be from 8am to 11am. Located beside Number 80.

The second will be from 8am to 11am and located in the Cul De Sac by Number 187.

These are the same locations are last year!

We ask that you co-operate with all instructions that are issued during the morning. We also ask that residents don’t drop items off before and leave with the expectation that someone else puts it into the skips. Remember that only items broken down to their smallest parts will be accepted.

NB A list of active subscriptions to the residents association will be cross checked before permission is given to access the skip. Anyone who has yet to join or set up a direct debit may pay on Saturday morning.

Updates will be shared on the Estates WhatsApp group including when the skip has been physically dropped off. If you are not already a member then email: to be added. Include your house and phone numbers.

Look forward to seeing you on the 24th!

Ballinclea Heights Fun Day

The long awaited Ballinclea Heights Fun Day will take place on Saturday 10th September at 2pm in the Res.

The Playball team will be around from 2pm to 4pm to have lots of fun with the kids.

We’ll have tea & coffee, nibbles and ice cream. Now all we need is some sunshine!

Look forward to seeing you all there!

Santa and SVP Collection

Monday 13th December

The Ballinlcea Heights SVP annual collection will take place on Monday 13th December (weather permitting). If you wish to donate, SVP will accept food and money. Same as the previous years.

To assist with Covid-19 concerns we ask that all items are bagged together for donation. This can either be handed over or left out for contact free collection. *Loose items not in a bag cannot be collected*

If you would like to drop your donation to us during the course of the day then you can drop it to #187. We won’t be able to facilitate accepting donations after 5pm (ish) on the 13th.

Let us know ahead of time if you want a Santa visit. Naturally we’ll be making a list. PM Stephen with your details as per the message sent on the What’s App Group.

We’ll be making the event as Secure as possible for everyone. So unfortunately that means no Carol Singing. But they’ll be back next year.!!! (Hopefully)

Wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy Christmas!

Skip Day Saturday 11th September 2021

Skip Day 2021 is confirmed for the 11th of September! 2 X 20 tonne skips have been ordered.

The first skip will be from 8am to 11am. Located beside Number 80.

The second will be from 8am to 11am and located in the Cul De Sac by Number 187.

These are the same locations are last year!

In line with Covid-19 restrictions, access to the skips will be strictly supervised. In the first instance you must be a paying member of the association and secondly only one family unit can place items in the skip at any one time. Please maintain social distancing and keep your visit to the skip as brief as possible.

We require that you co-operate with all instructions that are issued during the morning. We also ask that residents don’t drop items off before and leave with the expectation that someone else puts it into the skips. Remember that only items broken down to their smallest parts will be accepted.

NB A list of active subscriptions will be cross checked before permission is given to access the skip.

Updates will be shared on the Estates WhatsApp group including when the skip has been physically dropped off. If you are not already a member then email: to be added. Include your house and phone numbers.

Look forward to seeing you on the 11th September!

Skip Day Saturday 8th August 2020

Skip Day is confirmed and booked for the morning of the 8th August. 2 X 20 tonne skips have been ordered.

The first will be from 8am to 12pm.

The second will be from 9am to 1pm.

We ask that residents don’t drop items off before and leave with the expectation that someone else puts it into the skips. Remember that only items broken down to their smallest parts will be accepted.

There is a significant cost to the Residents Association for the hire of the skips so only paid members of the Residents Association can access the skips.

A list of active subscriptions will be cross checked before permission is given to access the skip.

Look forward to seeing you on the 8th August!